To Have Nothing is to Have Everything

As we continue our celebration of Older Americans Month, please enjoy this story of how another older adult Made a Mark on a staff person at the Area Agency on Aging. Amelia Fenimore is a Quality Assurance Officer at the agency now but has worked in various capacities in the Elderly & Disabled Waiver program. She started over 18 years ago as a case manager for the in-home assistance program and learned early on how much of a positive impact her career could have on her life. She shares her story below.

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To Have Nothing is to Have Everything

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have anything you wanted and be happy all the same time?
“What if I lived in a mansion with a huge backyard and drove a Porsche?  I think I would be happy all the time!”  

But do “things” make people happy?  If you asked my kids, they would say, “Yes.”  But they are teenagers and haven’t spent as much time with senior adults as I have or had the privilege of the influence of their wisdom.

Working with seniors, many who have or still do live in financially poor conditions, has afforded me so much understanding.  One might think, “Surely these poor, old people are not happy or content.”  Well, I had a precious lady in her 90’s who would argue this belief.  She didn’t live in a big house or have a car. As a matter of fact, she had never driven and didn’t even live close to the mall! No, she had lived in this same small house for close to 70 years. 

When I first pulled up to her house, my attention was drawn to the most beautiful pink snowball bush I had ever seen. Then I met this special lady sitting inside near her old window.  She was excited to tell me about seeing a little bird take a sip of water off a leaf.  A simple moment like that made her happy. Feeling the warmth of her heater on her body made her happy.  Her beautiful pink snowball bush outside made her happy.  If asked, she would probably tell you that she had everything as her very demeanor showed contentment. 

Because of this special lady and sweet conversations like I had that day, I live choosing to cherish the simple moments in life.  It doesn’t take things like a mansion or a sports car to make a person happy.   If you truly want to be happy, be content where you are and find joy in what is right in front of you.  You can have nothing and still have everything.